P-04-667 Roundabout for the A477/ A4075 Junction. Correspondence – Petitioner to the Chair. 18.01.2016


Chairman of Petitions Committee


I am writing to you as the Mayor of Pembroke, representing the views of not only my town, but those of the surrounding area, and including views widely held across our county, Pembrokeshire. My letter is relevant to your consideration and imminent response to Petition P-04-667 for a roundabout at the A477/A4075  "Fingerpost" junction.


The petition is only a small indication of the strength of feeling held by the Pembrokeshire electorate.  As you will be aware, only a small number of people actually engage in such processes; however those who are regular users of that road have historically lamented the danger posed by the road layout there. Since the road improvements, their dismay has only been concentrated.  Who consulted with whom over that so-called "improvement"?  Why weren't the views of the locals, the regular drivers given credence in the decision about what was best for OUR safety?


After just two days online, informing our electorate about the meeting scheduled for Tuesday 19th January regarding this, the comments have made it clear that we believe that there is a serious threat to life at this junction, and that having identified this, if/when the next tragedy occurs there, those responsible for making the decision to negate the need for a roundabout there should be held fully responsible.


As a Town Council, we have noted the intention to execute a Stage 4 road safety audit there early in 2016.  We seek to be part of that audit.  We intend to inform those making the decision in no uncertain terms that the plan to construct a roundabout at the Fingerpost MUST be reconsidered.


As a Minister Mrs Harts  remit in 2003 included public safety, and as a former champion for social justice, we urge her to familiarise herself with local feeling and experiences regarding the "Fingerpost" firsthand.  We would be happy to convene a meeting  and invite her to attend.  SO many near misses, (most unreported) , in addition to the fatality have occurred at this junction, it would be totally irresponsible of  the Welsh Government to ignore this.


With her further considerable experience as Finance Secretary , we know she understands the current budget constraints only too well.  We, too, are asked to justify our hard decisions in this challenging fiscal climate.  Our electorate asks us hard questions like, how can £48,000 be justified for planting on two adjacent roundabouts?  We realise we are not talking of just thousands for one more roundabout, but where safety is concerned, the right decision MUST be made, and financial considerations must be managed to that effect. 


We look forward to your response to this plea for public safety on our roads to prevail over the debate for financial constraint. 


Thank you for giving this your serious consideration.


Yours sincerely




Mayor of Pembroke

Councillor Pauline Waters